Friday, October 15, 2010

Wavin' Flag

I was inspired by a blog entry from on of my friends from college.
When I saw this link I KNEW I wanted to do something like this in my classroom. The song was also mentioned over the summer on a listserv I subsribe to. My problem is that I tend to dream big and over plan. Because of this, I usually can't fit in all the great ideas I hear about.

This morning I was told that we were unable to get a sub for the Art teacher. PE and Music would have to split the Art classes in half and add them to our regularly scheduled class. My first thought was "Oh man! There go my lesson plans for the day! :( But then I realized I could use this lesson today. Although I had big plans for the song (making flags, talking about hopes and dreams, creating a boomwacker ostinato, movement activity...), sometime SIMPLE is better.

The third and fifth grade classes came in and we did a quick discussion about the song and watched two versions -- the Young Artists for Haiti and the World Cup Coca-Cola comercial After comparing and contrasting the songs/videos I put the song on repeat and let the students design their own flags... flags that represent who they are and who they hope to become. It was a very enlightening lesson.

"When I get older
I will be stronger
They'll call me freedom
Just like a wavin' flag"

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