Thursday, October 28, 2010

The shortest weeks are the longest weeks...

As a teacher, I have always felt that the shortest weeks are the longest weeks.  Although we only had 4 days of school this week, it feels like 10. 

Yesterday I spent my morning at the Opera with my third grade students.  We saw Three Billy Goats Gruff. 
This is a video clip from the Carolina Opera Express giving a preview of the movie.  This is not the cast we saw, but you get the picture.

The morning started off with a fire drill, was followed directly by a transformer blowing (causing the lights in the bathrooms to go out), a walk to the middle school for the Opera, Opera watching and then a one and a half hour music teacher meeting. 

Report cards are due on Monday for grades 1-5.  Nothing like 300 report cards with comments.  Bleck. 

Today was also a challenging day.  It started out with two melt downs in my first class.  I guess I should be flattered because I caused one of the melt downs.  "Bob" was upset and had a meltdown because we were not doing the fruit loop activity we did last week.  Who knew it was such a loved activity.  I will have to bring it back out again sometime.  Sadly, I had to call the administration to come and get "Bob" because he was threatening to throw chairs at other students and I was afraid he was going to hurt someone or himself. 

On a happy note, U.S. Cellular (along with several other wonderful donors) funded my project Music with a Twist!  I'm very, Very, VERY  excited about all the new supplies I will be getting!!!  I'm really looking forward to using the new drums, scarves and FLASHLIGHTS!  Also, I was chosen as a winner of the North Carolina Bright Ideas grant!!!  I will go to Raleigh in November 19 for a luncheon.  I will receive about $1,350 for guitar making kits to use with the second graders. 

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