A friend jokingly (if that is even a word) told me that she thought the key my classroom success is Starbucks. I'd like to think it's a combination of Starbucks (or coffee in general) and rainboots -- the two things I need to make it through the week.
A. Coffee. I love my coffee. I will drink it from home, from Dunkin' Donuts, from Starbucks, from a parent, from Port City Java... I'm not picky. I spread the coffee love. :) You need a good amount of caffine to do all the random crazy things I do sometimes.
B. Rainboots. I LOVE my rainboots! :) I wear them in the rain, when there are puddles, in the snow (because we have actually had a lot this year) and sometimes, just because. There is something about rainbow polka dots that makes a gloomy day just a bit brighter. I love doing carpool duty and greeting the students in the morning. There is something special about a high five, a smile and the occasional hug to start your day.
Despite funny looks I will continue to wear my fabulous boots, crazy hats and mittens. I'll keep on drinking the coffee and loving life as a Music teacher.
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